
How Mental Health Benefits Drive Employee Engagement and Productivity

Written by Bethany Keith, MSW, LCSW | Jul 30, 2024 3:54:40 PM

How Mental Health Benefits Drive Employee Engagement and Productivity

The workplace landscape has changed dramatically since the pandemic. Working from home became the new normal. Relationships at work changed due to the new work-from-home routine, making it so coworkers saw each other less and collaborated online. Everyone became more aware that the so-called “soft skills” were not so “soft” after all! Communication and listening skills, in particular, became critical for the business to run with everyone out of the office and work more independently. The pandemic also highlighted many of the problems in the workplace. People have begun to value work-life balance and, as a result, are looking for work environments that support that. Flexible hours and flexible schedules that might include some days in the office and some days working from home became highly valued qualities of a job. In addition, people are paying more attention to a living wage, childcare support, family leave for medical emergencies, and counseling for mental health concerns. 

 The pandemic started a new conversation regarding mental health due to the isolation it created, which impacted the incidence of anxiety and depression. Suddenly, everyone began to talk about the issues of mental health more openly. Instead of being shamed and silenced, they could talk about their problems and begin to seek support. More and more, people increasingly understand that mental and physical health are one and the same, both a necessary part of being a whole, healthy individual. Due to changing expectations, businesses will need to respond to these changes to hire and retain talent in the coming years. Moving forward, businesses can employ, engage, and retain happy workers by making sure they are providing opportunities for people to address mental health issues with support services. This is not only a moral thing to do but also a strategic move to remain competitive in today’s world. Mental health benefits can serve as catalysts for enhanced employee engagement and productivity, which ultimately lead to organizational success. Let’s take a look at the breakdown of benefits for business. 

Acknowledge the Human Element 

In the relentless pursuit of productivity, employers can overlook a fundamental truth: employees are human, not merely resources. In recognizing the human element, forward-thinking organizations are building work environments that build trust, respect, and support. They are signaling to their employees that their well-being matters by offering programs to support mental health. This environment is more attractive to everyone who knows that life serves up challenges on a daily basis. A culture that feels safe and respectful is going to foster employee’s creativity and loyalty. 

Empowering Through Support 

Access to mental health services empowers employees to deal with their situations proactively. Whether it’s counseling, mental health days, or accommodations on the job, mental health benefits help employees manage stress, depression, anxiety, and other mental health needs in an efficient, proactive, and effective manner. When employees are supported in navigating their mental health journey, they have the energy to remain engaged and productive at work. Having an appropriate outlet makes all the difference in recovery time as well. 

Breaking the Stigma 

Openly championing employees’ ability to pursue mental health support fosters a different kind of work environment. When employees feel the support to pursue mental health without fear of judgment and acceptance of their mental health is important to overall well-being, it fosters an environment of trust and understanding. Interpersonal relations are strengthened, and teamwork is improved when people feel safe and understood. Unsurprisingly, if the work culture does not foster safety and understanding, sabotage and disengagement become the issues of the day.    

Enhancing Productivity 

A healthy mind is the hallmark of productivity. Mental health benefits play a pivotal role in optimizing performance because the underlying issues that hinder productivity are addressed instead of ignored or covered up. Employees can get the help they need to remain on the job, be creative and innovative, and maintain their focus. This is critical to achieving organizational goals and running daily operations smoothly. 

Fostering Loyalty and Retention 

This is an ongoing issue for all organizations today. New terms have been created to describe the frustrations of the younger generations and how they navigate the work world. The newest term is “quiet quitting,” which describes the process of the employee feeling like they are not heard, multiple efforts to resolve the situation, and then doing the bare minimum on the job while they look for other opportunities. Ultimately, they give their 2 weeks' notice and move to the next job. Constantly training new people impacts the bottom line of any business. It involves time, effort, and other staff to take on increased workloads. Productivity is down when training new employees for the job, as is the quality of service and product. Having loyal, engaged employees is one of the best resources a business has for remaining competitive in our ever-changing, fast-paced world. Businesses that respond to the human element become magnets for attracting talent and those at the top of their field. They reduce their costs and can focus their budget on innovation, which ultimately leads to becoming the best at what they do, giving their business the competitive edge. 

Driving Organizational Success 

The integrity of employees drives organizational success. Employee integrity is supported and secured by prioritizing mental health benefits and fostering a culture of trust and positivity. This is how a business achieves exceptional results and sustained success in a world market with rapidly changing needs.  

Mental Health Benefits: A Strategic Advantage

The well being of employees is not just a moral imperative, it is a strategic advantage in a world of relentless competition. Mental health benefits are powerful engagers that improve productivity, help with the retention of employees, and contribute to overall profits. They indirectly assist with creating a culture of trust, safety and the message that employees are valued highly as the resource they are. Businesses that use this strategic advantage are setting themselves up in a long-term prosperity plan as well as creating a work environment where everyone wants to be!